Soto González, Cacheila

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Cacheila Soto González (Mayagüez, P.R., 1979)

Pintora, videoartista y fotógrafa. En el 2003 completó su Bachillerato en Pintura en la Escuela de Artes Plásticas de Puerto Rico, bajo la tutela de José Alicea, Ada Bobonis, Elizam Escobar y Rafael Rivera Rosa. Ha participado en numerosas colectivas en Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos, y ha exhibido individualmente desde el 2003. En el año 2001 ganó un viaje a la Feria Internacional de Arte Moderno Arco en Madrid, España y un año después ganó una beca de la Fundación Arnaldo Roche Rabell. En su proceso creativo se vale de dos herramientas muy importantes; una es el medio fotográfico, campo que domina para mediar sus composiciones y transportarlas al lienzo y la otra herramienta que utiliza es la computadora para establecer esquemas de colores. Captura rasgos fundamentales de emociones, actitudes y experiencias del comportamiento individual y colectivo de la sociedad puertorriqueña. Desarrolla su obra a través de innumerables manchas planas, que guardan relación con mapas y forma figuras a través de éstas; siendo este elemento característico y estético de su obra. Su obra es innovadora, seria, inteligente, muy bien pensada y se le ha situado en los movimientos “Pop Art”, “Post-Pop Art” y “Neo Pop Art”.

Cacheila Soto González (Mayagüez, P.R., 1979)

Painter, video artist, and photogrpher. In 2003 she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Painting at the Puerto Rico School of Plastic Arts, under the guidance of José Alicea, Ada Bobonis, Elizam Escobar, and Rafael Rivera Rosa. She has participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Puerto Rico and the United States, and has held several individual exhibitions since 2003. In 2001 she won a trip to the Arco International Festival of Modern Art in Madrid, Spain, and a year later was awarded a scholarship from the Arnaldo Roche Rabell Foundation. Two important tools in her creative process are photography, which she masters and uses as a means of mediating her compositions and transferring them to the canvas; and the computer, which she uses to establish color schemes. She captures essential features of the emotions, attitudes, and experiences of individual and collective behavior in Puerto Rican society. A characteristic and esthetic element of her work is its development through countless flat stains which are related to maps and used to create shapes. Her work is innovative, serious, intelligent, and very well thought out, and has been placed among the “Pop Art”, “Post-Pop Art” and “Neo Pop Art” movements.

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