Méndez Martí, Nina

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Nina Méndez Martí

Through the lens of a camera-driven mind, Nina Méndez Martí has fully explored her interest in the artistic world. By turning the camera on to herself and others, Nina has consciously begun the never-ending road to self discovery. Her childhood days in San Juan, Puerto Rico developed around snap shots, canvas and stages. She studied at Syracuse University in New York, where she graduated cum laude from the School of Visual and Performing Arts. In 2007, she worked in California with documentary photographer Lauren Greenfield, where she discovered the art of portrait photography. A Master in Photography at EFTI, the school of Photography in Madrid, Spain, became the next big step towards her professional development. Since then, she has been working on personal projects as well as teaching photography to children at the Museo de Arte of Puerto Rico and commissioned work for magazines and newspapers. In the book Raw, Nina discovers the insecurities of people from all over the world.

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