López del Campo, Rafael

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Rafael López del Campo (Barranquitas, PR, 1936 – San Juan, PR, 2009)

Escultor y artista gráfico. Durante cinco años estudió escultura en los Talleres del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, con el maestro Compostela, al igual que aprendió dibujo y grabado con el maestro Lorenzo Homar. Fue becado para estudiar en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Roma entre 1962 y 1965. En 1964 obtuvo el Primer Premio de Escultura del Ateneo Puertorriqueño y el Primer Premio Internacional de Via Margutta, Roma. Su obra gráfica fue premiada en 1974 por United Federal Savings. Desde su regreso a Puerto Rico, ejerció como profesor en la Escuela de Artes Plásticas y se dedicó por completo a su obra. Su obra ha sido expuesta en Estados Unidos, América del Sur, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Europa y Puerto Rico. Siempre le atrajo la figuración, pero durante sus años en Italia estuvo en contacto con los movimientos escultóricos modernos y se interesó por incorporarlos a su obra.

Rafael López del Campo (Barranquitas, PR, 1936 – San Juan, PR, 2009) 

Sculptor and graphic artist. He studied sculpture for five years at the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture’s Workshops under maestro Compostela, and learned drawing and engraving from maestro Lorenzo Homar. From 1962 to 1965 he studied with a scholarship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. In 1964 he was awarded First Place in Sculpture at the Ateneo Puertorriqueño, and International First Prize at Via Margutta, Rome. His graphic work received an award issued by the United Federal Savings Bank in 1974. Since his return to Puerto Rico, he worked as a professor at the School of Visual Arts and has been entirely dedicated to his creation. His work has been shown in the United States, South America, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Europe, and Puerto Rico. He had always been drawn to figuration, but his years in Italy brought him into contact with modern sculptural movements and developed his interest in incorporating it into his work.

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