Gracia Campos, Jaime

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Jaime Gracia Campos (Montreal, Canada. 1948)

1948 – Born in Montreal, Canada. Resides from early childhood in Barahona 
1977-89- Architectural design professor part time, later on full time. In charge of the Workshops of architectural design. Assistant to the Director in Charge of Programs. Assistant to the Dean, in the faculty of Architecture and Arts, School of Architecture and Urbanism at the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Santo Domingo, DR. 
1981- Top Award for Sculpture at the Xv Biennial of Plastic Arts, Gallery of Modern Art, Santo Domingo, DR. 
1982- Courses in Bioclimatic Architecture sponsored by the Catholic University Mother and Teacher and the Commission on Energetic Policies, Puerto Plata, DR. 
1983-Individual exposition of Sculptures, Museo del Hombre Dominicano, Santo Domingo, DR. 
1985- Individual exposition Sculptures, Museum Modern Art Santo Domingo, DR. 
1985-Member of the Dominican Representation at the First Symposium of Iberoamerican Sculpture, Gallery Modern Art, Santo Domingo, DR. 
1989-91-Moves to Puerto Rico. Participants “Alternative City”, Sto. Domingo, DR 
1994-Individual exposition of Sculptures and Paintings, PR Senate, Capitol Building, San Juan, PR. 
1998- Urban Sculptures Project, Open call by the Govt. of San Juan, PR 
1999- Closed Call for Sculptures Govt. Justice Building. Puerto Plata, DR.

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