Betancourt, John

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John Betancourt (Nueva York, EU, 1949)

Fotógrafo autodidacta. En 1971 se graduó de la Universidad de Puerto Rico con un Bachillerato en Ciencias Políticas y Geografía Urbana. Ese mismo año trabajó como fotógrafo para la Junta de Calidad Ambiental de Puerto Rico. En la década del setenta trabajó como asistente magisterial en Nueva York, en Parsons School of Design y en New School for Social Research. Ha sido miembro fundador de varias entidades de gremio y comerciales, como Zoom Photographic y el Consejo de Fotografía Puertorriqueña, además de dirigir Imaging Arts Puerto Rico. Ha impartido cátedra en varias instituciones locales e internacionales. Trabajó en el Departamento de Imágenes y Recursos Digitales del Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico y ha documentado la obra de numerosos artistas puertorriqueños, como Rafael Tufiño, Myrna Báez y Rafael Trelles, para publicaciones sobre sus carreras artísticas. Ha realizado la fotografía de arte tanto en exposiciones individuales y colectivas para un sinnúmero de catálogos.

John Betancourt (New York, US, 1949)

Self-taught photographer. In 1971 he graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Urban Geography. That same year, he worked as a photographer for the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board. During the seventies he worked as a teaching assistant in New York, at the Parsons School of Design and at the New School for Social Research. He has been a founding member of several trade and commercial groups, such as Zoom Photographic and the Puerto Rican Photography Council, in addition to directing Imaging Arts Puerto Rico. He has taught at a number of local and international institutions. He worked in the Department of Imaging and Digital Resources of the Puerto Rico Art Museum and has documented the work of numerous Puerto Rican artists, such as Rafael Tufiño, Myrna Báez, and Rafael Trelles, for publications on their artistic careers. He has performed the art photography for countless catalogs for both individual and collective exhibitions.

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