Bacon, Francis

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Francis Bacon (York House, Strand, 1561 – Londres, R.U., 1626)

Pintor y grabador. No tuvo una formación académica, pero comenzó a pintar acuarelas en 1926, año en que se traslada a Berlín y entra en contacto con el expresionismo y la pintura de Grosz y Beckmann. Un año después llega a Paris donde comienza a pintar óleos para empezar a exponer en ámbitos comerciales; es aquí que se inicia su carrera artística. A finales de los años treinta sufrió una crisis que le llevó a destruir la mayoría de sus obras y a abandonar la pintura, que retomaría durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su personalísimo estilo expresionista, basado en un simbolismo de terror y rabia, le ha convertido en uno de los artistas más originales del siglo XX. Su obra, caracterizada por el uso de trazos fuertes que generalmente retratan figuras solitarias o tristes, es una constante reflexión sobre la fragilidad del ser. Es uno de los artistas ingleses más importantes de la posguerra. En contraste con la pintura abstracta e informal predominante en la época, él se hace estandarte de una pintura figurativa que exprime en toda su violencia la desolación de la condición humana.

Francis Bacon (York House, Strand, 1561 – London, U.K. 1626)

Painter and engraver. He had no academic training, but began painting watercolors in 1926, when he moved to Berlin and came into contact with expressionism and the painting of Grosz and Beckmann. A year later he arrived in Paris where he began to paint oil paintings to begin to exhibit in commercial environments; it is here that his artistic career began. At the end of the thirties he suffered a crisis that led him to destroy most of his works and to abandon painting, which he would resume during the Second World War. His highly personal expressionist style, based on a symbolism of terror and rage, has made him one of the most original artists of the twentieth century. His work, characterized by the use of strong strokes that generally portray solitary or sad figures, is a constant reflection on the fragility of being. He is one of the most important English artists of the post-war period. In contrast to the predominant abstract and informal painting of the time, he became the standard bearer of a figurative painting that expresses in all its violence the desolation of the human condition.

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