Alcides, Rubén

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Rubén Alcides, (La Habana, Cuba, 1977)

Pintor. Estudia en la Escuela Elemental de Artes Plásticas de La Habana, Cuba, continua estudios en la Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes de San Alejandro. A los 16 años se convierte en un exiliado en Valencia, España, donde es admitido a la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Politécnica. Al mismo tiempo estudia un Bachillerato en el Instituto José Benlliure de Valencia, donde realiza varias exitosas exposiciones. En agosto de 1996 llega a los Estados Unidos donde exhibe su obra en varias galerías del sur de la Florida. En el 2001 llega y se establece con su familia en Puerto Rico, donde forma su hogar y su taller. Su obra se enmarca dentro del figurativismo impresionista, donde explora la relación permanente entre el ser humano y su entorno.

Rubén Alcides, (Havana, Cuba, 1977)

Painter. Began his studies at the Elementary School of Visual Arts in Havana, Cuba, and then continued at the National Academy of Fine Arts in San Alejandro. At 16 he became exiled in Valencia, Spain, where he was admitted to the School of Fine Arts of the Polytechnic University. At the same time, he coursed undergraduate studies at the José Benlliure Institute in Valencia, where he held several successful exhibitions. He arrived in the United States in August 1996 and his work was shown at several south Florida galleries. In 2001 he arrived with his family and settled in Puerto Rico, where he has established his home and studio. His work is included within impressionist figurativism, and explores the permanent relationship between human beings and their environment.

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