Henry Moore (Castleford,1898 – Much Handham,1986)

Escultor. Es uno de los artistas más importantes del siglo veinte. Se formó en la Leeds School of Art y en el Royal Collage of Art. Sus primeras obras denotan un arcaísmo en las que manifiesta sus temas de interés. Para el 1935 se interesó por las ideas surrealistas y la abstracción fusionando ambas. En su etapa de madurez se destacó por la complementariedad entre forma y espacio. Sus obras, de escala monumental, se ubican generalmente en espacios abiertos. Su enfoque se desarrolló a través del estudio del arte monumental del periodo precolombino, egipcio y de la obra del reconocido Miguel Ángel; destacando los materiales y la técnica empleada.

Henry Moore (Castleford,1898 – Much Handham,1986)

Sculptor. He is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. He trained at the Leeds School of Art and the Royal College of Art. His early works denote an archaism in which he manifests his themes of interest. By 1935 he became interested in surrealist ideas and abstraction merging both. In his mature stage he stood out for the complementarity between form and space. His works, monumental in scale, are generally located in open spaces. His approach was developed through the study of monumental art of the pre-Columbian period, Egyptian and the work of the renowned Michelangelo; highlighting the materials and technique used.