Millán, Néstor

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Néstor Millán (San Germán, PR, 1960)

Pintor, artista gráfico, fotógrafo y creador de construcciones en medios mixtos. En 1982 obtuvo un Bachillerato en Artes Plásticas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) y en 1987 una Maestría en Grabado y Fotografía de Pratt Institute en Brooklyn. Ha impartido cursos en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón y Casa Candina. Actualmente es profesor en el Departamento de Bellas Artes de la UPR. Ha ofrecido conferencias en dos ocasiones en distintas escuelas de Grecia. Su obra se ha presentado en decenas de exposiciones colectivas e individuales, y ha recibido varios premios, entre ellos el Premio Único en dibujo de la Fundación Alfonso Arana en 1991. Utiliza el grabado, la fotografía y los medios mixtos como componentes de refuerzo para su obra, la cual gira entorno a la pintura.

Néstor Millán (San Germán, PR, 1960)

Painter, graphic artist, photographer, and creator of mixed media constructions. In 1982 he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Plastic Arts at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and in 1987 he completed a Master of Arts in Engraving and Photography at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. He has taught at Sacred Heart University and Casa Candina. He is currently a professor at the UPR Department of Fine Arts. He has twice offered lectures at different schools in Greece. His work has been exhibited in dozens of collective and individual exhibitions, and he has received several awards, including the Sole Prize in drawing from the Alonso Arana Foundation in 1991. He uses engraving, photography, and mixed media as reinforcing components of his work, which revolves around painting.

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