Enrique Arce (Aslan) (Bayamón, PR, 1980)

Inicio su carrera trabajando para la revista Noctambulo donde comienza a crear su obra plástica. Posteriormente comienza su blog y es ahí donde se comienza a desarrollar como artista en la escena del arte puertorriqueño. Durante los pasados años ha creado una serie de obras que posteriormente adhiere a lozas y las ubica en diferentes partes de la ciudad. Estas lozas una vez encontradas por los transeúntes deben ser fotografiadas y enviadas al artista para poder ser conservadas. Estos proyectos tienen el fin de relacionar al artista y su arte con la comunidad a través de una especie de juego o competencia denominada por el artista como “Scavenger Hunt” [Cacería carroñera].


Enrique Arce (Aslan) (Bayamón, PR, 1980)

He began his career working for Noctambulo magazine where he began to create his artwork. Later he started his blog and it is there where he began to develop as an artist in the Puerto Rican art scene. During the past years he has created a series of works that he later adheres to tiles and places them in different parts of the city. These tiles, once found by passersby, must be photographed and sent to the artist in order to be preserved. These projects are intended to relate the artist and his art to the community through a kind of game or competition called “Scavenger Hunt” by the artist.